Weigh In Wednesday


I’m down about 1.2 pounds this week. I’m happy with that, but I am sooo ready to see those 130s again. I just want to smash through that 145 mark. I think that will be a huge mental milestone for me.

So how have I been doing? Good I guess. I got a few workouts in last week and I was relatively good on the diet. I definitely splurged a little in Sunday….it was my birthday after all. I’m pretty sure if there was ever a reason to eat cake, that would be it.

I have been really good with my food during the week, and making better snack choices once home. We don’t have junk in the house, so I really don’t even do dessert anymore.

Except for Friday. I have to have dessert on Friday. And it has to be Sweet Frog. Dulce de Leche with sea salt, light cool whip, and a little bit of caramel. Just enough to cover the bottom of a small cup is all I need. As long as I get my weekly Sweet Frog fix, all is right with the world.

Taylor operates on the same principle. He is now independent to operate the froyo machines. He fills his large cup with childhood staples…blue cotton candy, pink lemonade, strawberry and cake batter (this is all the same container). He tops it with sour patch kids, gummy worms, rainbow sprinkles, and m&ms. He has a very refined palette. And he might have a weight loss blog if his own due to his poor parental guidance.

Fortunately for him, he likes moon bouncing way more than me, so he can expend those extra calories way more efficiently than his momma.

Speaking of calorie expenditure, that’s my goal for this week. Four workouts, seven diet days. I’m tired of these 140s.

See ya on the sales next week!

Wish In One Hand

Sh*t in the other, as my mother always used to say. Guess which one fills up first?

My strategy of wishing to be fit and healthy does not seem to be working out for me.

I haven’t been blogging. I haven’t really been tracking what I’m eating. And, I definitely hadn’t been exercising. The good news is the scale hasn’t moved much. The bad news is the scale hasn’t moved much.

So, I guess it really doesn’t matter why I haven’t been focused. I could give you a laundry list of excuses. But, the deal is…I want to lose these last 15 or so pounds and I’m going to have to face some facts if I want to do it.

Here’s what I need to face:

1. My kids don’t sleep at night. I will never be ‘rested’
2. Doug travels for work. It’s his job, it’s how we enjoy a comfortable life. Most work weeks I’m a single momma.
3. I have to work. It’s my job, it’s how we enjoy a comfortable life. I will always work…and let’s face it, if you have to work, it’s not a bad gig.
4. Healthy food is not as delicious as non-healthy food. I already ate non-healthy food, more than my fair share. It was awesome, but now I have to eat the good stuff, no matter how bad it tastes
5. Diets happen even on weekends. The scale doesn’t care if it’s Tuesday or Saturday. I have to eat right all the time.
6. Exercise can happen at any time. If it’s 9 at night, and I haven’t exercised, it still burns just as much calories as if I had done it earlier.
7. It’s time to adjust my points. Waaaah! I’m not nursing as much. I’m not burning the same amount of calories. Down we go. But in the plus side, I’m not being “milked” 4 times per day anymore.

Ugh, sometimes I hate reality.

I have roughly seven weeks until my vacation. During vacation, my son stays in a pool basically from sunrise to sunset. That means, me in a bathing suit, all day everyday of my vacation. Does not sound appealing at the moment.

Seven weeks, 10 pounds. That’s my goal. Very attainable. I already have two days of points counting and one workout under my belt this week.

Here we go.
